Oasi del Simeto

Oasi del Simeto

Latitude and longitude 37.414218205407245, 15.072664645892257

Established in 1984 to preserve the natural environment of particular interest seriously threatened by the actions of man, the nature reserve "Oasi del Simeto" is typologically identified as a nature reserve in order to promote and enhance the conditions for resting and nesting fauna and restoration of Psammofila and Mediterranean vegetation. The reserve, located south of the city of Catania, affects the vicinity of the mouth of the Simeto river, the most important Sicilian river, and goes up its shaft to the confluence with the Dittaino river. The protected area was established in order to favor and increase the conditions for the stop and nesting of the fauna and the restoration of the psammoalophilous and Mediterranean vegetation and is part of the sites of community interest (SAC) and the special protection areas (SPA ). Zone A of the reserve is characterized, in addition to the aforementioned final stretch of the river, by peculiar wetlands, including "le Salatelle", lake "Gornalunga" and the "old loop" of Simeto. All areas of extreme importance for the stopover and nesting of a variegated, and sometimes rare and at risk of extinction, resident and migratory birdlife. The Chicken Sultan has recently been successfully reintroduced, a slowdown which disappeared from Sicily in the 1950s. There is also a significant dune, marsh and river vegetation that characterizes the relative natural environments.

The Natural Reserve Simeto Oasis is located on the border between the province of Catania and Syracuse.
Surface, 16 has

Managing body

Province of Catania - Year of establishment-1984.

Level of protection

Oriented Nature Reserve. The reserve Oriented Natural Oasis Simeto is divided into two areas with different levels of protection: Zone A and Zone B

An information page with numerous news on Wildlife, Vegetation, River Environment, Marsh Environment, Dune Environment and Human Presence in the nature reserve is available by the metropolitan city office. It includes numerous photos, videos and drawings.

Google map link