Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa - Settore V Pianificazione Territoriale e Sviluppo Locale - U.O. Riserve Naturali

The Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa is the Managing Authority of two regional nature reserves: 1) Oriented Nature Reserve "Pino d’Aleppo" 2) Special Biological Nature Reserve "Macchia Foresta del Fiume Irminio".

The territory of the two protected areas is also part of the Natura 2000 network sites as it coincides almost entirely, respectively, with the SAC ITA080003 “Vallata del Fiume Ippari” and SAC ITA080001 “Foce del Fiume Irminio”.

The Managing Authority deals with the protection of the natural environment and promotes scientific research and initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge of the natural assets of the reserve.

- It makes use of the Provincial Scientific Council established pursuant to the L.R. 14/88.

- It has developed various information and promotional products on the protected areas of the province.

- It has developed the management plans called "Residui dunali della Sicilia orientale" and "Vallata del fiume Ippari”, relating to various sites of the Natura 2000 network.

As part of the project, actions will be carried out aimed at safeguarding biodiversity within the two protected areas in order to restore the habitats present with the eradication and / or containment of the identified invasive alien species, actions already foreseen in the aforementioned MP.

The Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa has participated in the following international projects:

- “Aristoil” (partner) Axis 1 project - Specific objective 1.1., under the Interreg Med 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Program

- “Ener Mob” (Lead partner +4) INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020 Axis 3 - Connected Region (Linked Region) Specific objective 3.1. - Improving the capacity of integrated transport and mobility services, as well as multimodality in the Ionian-Adriatic area”.

- INTERREG MED Axis 2 - Promote low carbon and energy efficiency strategies in specific MED territories: cities, islands and rural areas.

- INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020 Axis 3 - Connected Region (Linked Region) Specific objective 3.1.

- EU co-financed projects POR 2000-2006 OP ERDF 2007-2013: axis 3 ob. 3.2.1., enhancement of cultural identities and landscape-environmental resources for attractiveness and development.

The Participation in the project in the role of Managing Authority of two nature reserves which are also Natura 2000 sites, will allow the partner to:

- preserve, protect and improve biodiversity, ecosystems and natural and semi-natural habitats, animal and plant species, the biotopes of the “Macchia Foresta del fiume Irminio” and “Pineta di Vittoria” nature reserves;

- guarantee, promote and encourage scientific research activities, including cross-border, for the dissemination of knowledge, education and training on the values connected to the heritage of the two protected natural areas;

- to promote, guarantee and incentivize eco-compatible and eco-sustainable development initiatives in the territory, favoring traditional work activities aimed at naturalistic recovery and maintenance and the mitigation of environmental impacts, experimenting with correct management models of flora and fauna for a balanced relationship between the territory and resident populations with greater protection of common goods;